Cute Things to Draw Cute Foods to Draw Easy

Hi everyone!

These days, I've been really enjoying watching cooking videos and it inspired me to create this blog post of easy food drawing ideas to draw.

Some of the foods on the list will be Japanese foods since that is what I've grown up eating.

I also tried to include different art styles on this list so I hope you find one that sparks your inspiration to draw, whether it be a simple, cute, or creative style.

I hope you enjoy and let's get to drawing!

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1. Avocado & Egg

Avocados and eggs have a kind of similar shape so it inspired me to put these two in the same drawing.

avocado and egg drawing food

2. Bacon

Here is a simple drawing of bacon with a face to add some cuteness to it.

bacon drawing easy food

3. Noodles

Here is a simple line drawing idea of a bowl of noodles and chopsticks.

easy noodles food drawing

4. Fruit

I created a little collection of fruit drawings below so that you can practice drawing colorful fruits!

fruit drawing ideas easy food

5. Fruit Sandwich

Here is also a fruit sandwich drawing idea to draw.

fruit sandwich japanese food drawing

6. Pancakes

Let's draw a stack of pancakes next on our doodle page.

pancake drawing easy food foodles

7. Chicken

Here are a few easy chicken doodle ideas as well. I used colored pencils to color them in.

easy food drawing chicken

8. Cake

Here is a simple strawberry cake drawing idea to draw as well.

Cake drawing easy

9. Vegetables

I also created a collection of vegetables drawing ideas below to help you practice drawing them.

Vegetable drawing doodles easy

10. Dango

Here is a cute dango drawing idea to draw. Dango are chewy balls made of rice flour and they are so yummy!

Japanese food drawing dango

11. Cookie

Cookies are fun to draw, look at, and eat, so enjoy! 🙂

cookie drawing easy

12. Rice Ball

Here is a cute rice ball (onigiri) drawing idea to draw as well.

Rice ball drawing onigiri

13. Ice Cream

I actually don't have much of a sweet tooth but I love ice cream. Here is an adorable ice cream drawing to add to your doodles.

ice cream drawing easy cute

14. Bread

Here is a little collection of simple bread drawing ideas.

Bread drawing food

I also created this other cute bread drawing idea with a puppy face and decided to add it to this blog post as a bonus.

easy bread drawing puppy cute food

15. Hotdog

Next, let's draw a little hotdog doodle.

easy hotdog drawing food

16. Rice

Here is a simple drawing of a bowl of rice to add to your doodle page as well.

rice drawing easy food

17. Peanuts

Peanuts are kind of fun to draw. I added some cute faces to them to give them more character.

peanuts drawing cute

18. Mushrooms

I love mushrooms and they are very simple to draw as well.

easy mushroom drawing food

I also have another blog post for more easy mushroom drawing ideas if you are interested.

19. Macaron

Here is a cute food drawing idea of a macaron with bunny ears.

cute food drawing macaron

20. Pizza

Let's draw a simple slice of pizza next!

easy pizza drawing food

21. Sushi

Here is a little list of easy sushi drawing ideas for all of you sushi lovers out there 🙂

Sushi drawing easy Japanese food

22. Egg

I love drawing sunnyside eggs because they are so simple yet fun and cute to draw.

Egg drawing easy doodle

23. Pudding

Here is another cute food drawing idea of pudding with a face on it.

easy pudding drawing food cute

24. Sausages

Here are some sausages cut to look like an octopus. They are often used in bento boxes.

Octopus sausage drawing

25. Chocolate Covered Strawberry

Here is a fun little drawing idea of a strawberry dipped in chocolate.

chocolate covered strawberry drawing

26. Muffin

Here is a simple muffin doodle idea to draw next in your sketchbook or doodle page.

muffin drawing simple food

27. Pie

Here is a cute pie drawing idea to try out as well!

cute pie drawing food art

28. Blueberries

I didn't include blueberries in the fruit drawing idea, so here is a quick little doodle of some blueberries to draw.

I used an ink pen for the outline and colored it in using colored pencils.

blueberry drawing fruits easy

29. Mochi

Here are some mochi for cute food drawing ideas to try out.

mochi drawing cute japanese food

30. Pretzel

For our last food drawing idea, let's draw a pretzel doodle!

easy pretzel food drawing

Related Blog Posts:
50 Cute Easy Things to Draw
25 Easy Doodles to Draw
100 Easy Patterns to Draw

Thank you so much for visiting this blog post! I hope you were able to find a few food drawing ideas that sparked your interest.

If you are interested in finding more drawing ideas, feel free to look around my blog for more art ideas.

I wish you all a wonderful day or night wherever you may be, and keep drawing! And have fun! <3


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